A Sustainable Workforce Starts With You

Renewing the Workforce

Construction is a large and complex worldwide industry constantly shaped by new information technologies, advanced materials, environmental policies, regulations and changing building methods. Most importantly, though, construction is shaped by people. Sustaining a strong industry requires attracting and valuing a skilled, career-driven, high quality workforce... who also like to build! How is the construction industry attracting the skilled workforce for future growth market demands? Do prospective candidates see construction as a viable career choice?

According to Cashmore, 25% of construction fatalities occur from traumatic brain injuries (or TBIs), and most of these injuries on a jobsite occur from safety helmets coming off.
By now, most of the construction companies in the US are hiring and training Millennials (born 1981-1993). Many of you are finding that they are different from the folks from the...
Tax fraud is an epidemic in the construction industry, and it is costing communities billions of dollars in lost revenue.  Regional Councils affiliated with the United...
United Tool and Fastener is proud to be a part of the upcoming 1st annual Construction Career Collaborative (C3) career fair on Thursday, April 4, 2019 as a sponsor and safety...
Elizabeth McPherson visited an active construction site in the Texas Medical Center where she was able to interview MAREK craft professional Laura Contreres and her superintendent...
Chuck Gremillion, Executive Director of Construction Career Collaborative, traveled with C3 board members to Atlanta at the invitation of the Construction Education Foundation of...
A panel of construction leaders discussed how the construction industry has evolved and the free enterprise challenges that lie ahead for the merit-shop construction industry at...
The United States’ program for high-skilled immigrant workers, H-1B visas, is a portion of the immigration picture that even President Donald Trump has said is necessary and...
The winter issue of Chamberlin’s newsletter is out.  Along with updates on work in progress and industry accolades, this issue includes a couple of stories you’ll want to...