A Sustainable Workforce Starts With You

Care and Safety

Attending to the safety, security and well-being of all craftspersons is the foundation for building and sustaining a high performance workforce. That means establishing high safety standards and ensuring workers' compensation coverage. It also means that FUTA, SUTA and FICA are paid on behalf of all craftspersons.

Going into a fresh new year encompasses an influx of fresh weather- often in terms of colder, more true winter-like weather and temperatures. In Texas, especially, the first real...
Cold weather can wreak havoc on commercial roofing and waterproofing systems, even in regions like Texas where winters are typically mild. Property and facility managers often...
Authored by Ed Davidson and originally posted on LinkedIn:There ya have it folks... Ummm...you're running the wrong way!So much here rigged in favor of failure can be determined...
United Tool and Fastener has been a proud partner with STI Firestop, a specialized fire-prevention company comprising more than 30 years of construction-...
Authored by Ed Davidson and originally posted on LinkedIn:There ya have it folks...Fall protection...It's better to have it and not need it, than it is to need it and not have it!...
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) designated June 12-18, 2017, as the inaugural “Safe + Sound Week,” to raise...
As summer ramps up into full gear, heat safety must become a priority. People most at risk for heat-related complications include those who work in the heat, young children, the...
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, during a trench collapse or cave-in, a worker can be buried in thousands of pounds of soil in a matter of seconds. Therefore,...
In 1996, the National Safety Council (NSC) began the annual observance in June of National Safety Month- a time to re-evaluate safety procedures and the many ways to prevent...