A Sustainable Workforce Starts With You

Renewing the Workforce

Construction is a large and complex worldwide industry constantly shaped by new information technologies, advanced materials, environmental policies, regulations and changing building methods. Most importantly, though, construction is shaped by people. Sustaining a strong industry requires attracting and valuing a skilled, career-driven, high quality workforce... who also like to build! How is the construction industry attracting the skilled workforce for future growth market demands? Do prospective candidates see construction as a viable career choice?

At the Construction Careers Expo for high school students, Elizabeth McPherson talked with some of the volunteers who took the day to share their experiences with students...
Without a doubt, the construction industry knows we’re facing a skilled worker shortage, particularly as the baby boomers retire. We understand we need more young people choosing...
Of the nearly 400 metro areas tracked by the General Contractors of America, Houston had the most job growth in the industry during the last year. The region added roughly 25...
Chuck Gremillion, C3 executive director, today announced that Texas Mutual Insurance Company, the state’s leading provider of workers’ compensation insurance, has awarded a $100,...
The discovery of the original cracks in two girders spanning Freemont Street caused the facility to be shut down until the safety of the enormous facility could be guaranteed. The...
In his New York Times column this past week, David Brooks digs into the message he believes working class people are trying to deliver to politicians about the kind of society we...
If you, as a company owner or leader, are unsure about going through this process on your own, C3 currently has eight peer groups of leaders in common trades that meet quarterly...
Chamberlin was awarded nine A/E/C industry awards in 2018 for their qualityworkmanship, dedication to safety and trade development.
The construction workforce is one that is constantly changing, whether the stats go up or down. Nearly two-thirds of contractors are highly confident that demand for construction...