A Sustainable Workforce Starts With You

Reshaping the Construction Industry

Associated Builders and Contractors of Greater Houston (ABC), an association representing the interests of merit shop contractors and their employees, held its annual Inaugural Celebration at Saint Arnolds Brewery on January 11.  With over one hundred and thirty attendees, the association recognized incoming board of directors, committee chairs, and the 2017 Members of the Year.
Lauren Harrell's picture
February 02, 2018
Construction executives from around the Houston area gathered this week to learn more about how they can create “a robust craft training program in your organization and link it to a career path” through an initiative that continues to grow. Those were the words of Chuck Gremillion, Executive Director of the Construction Career Collaborative, as he kicked off an event at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston designed to give contractors more information about the kind of help available to them to invest in and retain their workforce.
Scott Braddock's picture
February 01, 2018
Kiley writes that successful privately held construction companies have a lot to offer prospective workforce recruits over publically held corporations, including offering much more predictable and stable environments in which to build careers.
Pat Kiley's picture
January 31, 2018
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will have diverse impacts on contractors' after-tax income and on demand for construction. In general, contractors taxed as C corporations will benefit immediately from a reduction in the top corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%.
Ken Simonson's picture
January 30, 2018
Gentilucci makes the point that craftsmanship is still critical to the construction of today and emphasizes the critical need for companies to recruit, train and retain skilled workers.
Jim Kollaer's picture
January 29, 2018
Politicians and opinion makers regularly condemn illegal immigration often are quick to add that prospective immigrants should "get in line" and come in via proper channels. Unfortunately, the few such remaining options are now under attack by many of the same people who say they favor legal immigration.
Construction Citizen's picture
January 26, 2018
It’s not just the areas along the Gulf Coast that are feeling the pinch of an even tighter labor market following last year’s devastating hurricanes and the rebuilding efforts that followed. 
Scott Braddock's picture
January 25, 2018
The men in hardhats compacting fake stone, pouring concrete and handling other jobs on the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston work site typically are paired up based on experience levels. Thus, a 20-year construction veteran often finds himself working alongside someone with just weeks under his belt.
Construction Citizen's picture
January 24, 2018
The second Friday in December, as the snow from the storm the night before still lingered, Patrick Jankowski, vice president of research at the Greater Houston Partnership, outlined his employment forecast for Houston in 2018 – 45,000 in employment growth.  A month earlier, Dr. Bill Gilmer from the Institute for Regional Forecasting at the University of Houston gave an employment growth range of 20,000 to 70,000 with the weighted average hitting at 41,000 jobs.
Candace Hernandez's picture
January 23, 2018
The American media and the politicians from the President of the US down to the local elected officials and law enforcement officials are involved in the issue, which, like construction is complex and in the end, very personal.
Jim Kollaer's picture
January 22, 2018