PPI jumps in February; contractors are optimistic on hiring and activity, two surveys sayEditor’s note: Construction Citizen is proud to partner with AGC America to bring...
Signals and Signposts
The current and future economy, trends in design and construction, political influence – sometimes we have something to say about topics which may be signs of things to come.
Employment shows biggest gain in six years; Beige Book reports widespread pickupEditor’s note: Construction Citizen is proud to partner with AGC America to bring you AGC...
An industry insider who has been closely following our coverage of the payroll fraud issue raised a fascinating point recently. This executive I was chatting with put forward a...
Morgan Brennan of the Forbes staff penned a great piece recently that “states the obvious” to folks in the construction industry - There will be Labor shortages! She quotes...
Construction spending fell in January, Census says, but Reed reports jump in startsEditor’s note: Construction Citizen is proud to partner with AGC America to bring you AGC...
Google is bringing its “driverless cars” to I-35 this week in a bold move to convince Texas Legislators to look to the future and to consider how we might accommodate “driverless...
Editor’s note: The following condensed version of Kiley Advisors 2013 Forecast was written by Pat Kiley and Candace Hernandez, co-founders of Kiley Advisors, LLC, and is...
As acting director of the Construction Career Collaborative (C3), I recently talked with Brian Golden of J.T. Vaughn Construction, LLC about one of the first construction projects...
We reported last October that the cost of Drywall was due for another spike this year. That one is coming on top of a large spike in 2012 in the middle of one of the largest...