The following article was authored by Rob Vanya of San Jacinto College:San Jacinto College is introducing new courses in HVACR in response to requests by industry partners and to...
Higher Education
With the ever growing need for good combination pipe welders in the industrial construction industry, new ideas and training techniques are always welcome. Consider the fact that...
Read about a program through which more than 150 veterans have been trained in pipefitting and welding since it started in 2014, and watch a video of a welding instructor talk...
At literally almost any time of the day, there are Houston-area residents on the campus of San Jacinto College in Pasadena acquiring skills they need to be able to pursue good-...
It wasn’t an easy choice to pursue a career in industrial construction. For some reason or another I just didn’t think I was cut out to be in the industry. Something about my fear...
First Lady Michelle Obama appears in a new public service announcement aimed at promoting higher education to the youth of America. In the video, Mrs. Obama and Saturday Night...
One of the perhaps ironic challenges discovered by Construction Citizen during the publication’s recent visit to Lee College is that because jobs in the petrochemical industry can...
My name is Alejandro Velez, and I have 10 years in retail work experience and roughly five months of industrial construction experience. I have an associate’s degree in sociology...
I was encouraged during the last Republican presidential debate to hear Sen. Marco Rubio talk about the need to "Make higher education faster and easier to access.”"For the life...