A Sustainable Workforce Starts With You

Signals and Signposts

The current and future economy, trends in design and construction, political influence – sometimes we have something to say about topics which may be signs of things to come.

Nonfarm payroll employment in August increased by 130,000, seasonally adjusted, from July and by 2,074,000 (1.4%) year-over-year (y/y) from August 2018, the Bureau of Labor...
Construction employment, not seasonally adjusted, increased between July 2018 and July 2019 in 255 (71%) of the 358 metro areas (including divisions of larger metros) for which...
Filling craft positions and some salaried positions remains as great a challenge for contractors as it was a year ago, according to participants in the Autodesk-AGC of America...
U.S. construction industry leaders are somewhat less confident about near-term prospects for nonresidential construction but remain reasonably upbeat, according to the June 2019...
According to a Pew Study, Generation Z followed the Millennials and were born between 1996 (revised start date) and 2012 meaning that the oldest is now 23 years old and the...
The industry has found itself in a bind as the amount of work continues to grow while the construction industry’s workforce ages.
Contractors' bid prices increased 0.6% from June to July, while materials and services input costs rose 0.2% for the month, based on the latest producer price indexes (...
Editor’s note: Construction Citizen is proud to partner with AGC America to bring you AGC Chief Economist Ken Simonson's Data DIGest. Check back each week to get Ken's...
In June, estimated not seasonally adjusted construction unemployment rates fell nationally and in 40 states and increased in 10 on a year-over-year basis, according to an analysis...