A Sustainable Workforce Starts With You

Signals and Signposts

The current and future economy, trends in design and construction, political influence – sometimes we have something to say about topics which may be signs of things to come.

Associated Builders and Contractors reported that its Construction Backlog Indicator rebounded to 8.0 months in August, an increase of 0.2 months from July’s reading, according to...
Construction costs diverged again in August, as indicated by producer price indexes (PPIs) that the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) posted on Thursday. AGC posted...
The 2020 AGC of America-Autodesk Workforce Survey, which AGC released with related materials on Wednesday, found growing pessimism among contractors amid rising project...
National nonresidential construction spending fell 1.2% in July, according to an Associated Builders and Contractors analysis of data published today by the U.S. Census Bureau. On...
Associated Builders and Contractors announced Tuesday the launch of its inaugural Tech Alliance—a consortium of firms that create construction technology and innovative...
Three private measures of recent and expected nonresidential construction activity were negative in July. In contrast, Census Bureau data signaled a strong rebound in residential...
Construction employment increased modestly in July, but the gains were concentrated in homebuilding and remodeling, while nonresidential construction employment stalled, according...
The construction industry added 20,000 jobs on net in July, according to an Associated Builders and Contractors analysis of data released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics....
AGC launched the 2020 AGC of America-Autodesk Workforce Survey today. The survey is intended to document the impact of the pandemic on construction activity and...