A Sustainable Workforce Starts With You

Renewing the Workforce

Construction is a large and complex worldwide industry constantly shaped by new information technologies, advanced materials, environmental policies, regulations and changing building methods. Most importantly, though, construction is shaped by people. Sustaining a strong industry requires attracting and valuing a skilled, career-driven, high quality workforce... who also like to build! How is the construction industry attracting the skilled workforce for future growth market demands? Do prospective candidates see construction as a viable career choice?

The major issue is job skills mismatch. The people looking for jobs are not trained in the skills that employers need in order to hire them.
Senior executive succession planning is a current priority for many construction companies.  Baby boomers are reaching ages where they seek to retire or work significantly...
Two weeks ago, ABC Houston’s Construction and Maintenance Education Foundation (CMEF) honored several men and women for their accomplishments and completed training...
Mitch Clark works for Comfort Systems USA (Southwest), Inc in Phoenix, Arizona, but has also been chairman of the ABC National Craft Championships for the past three years while...
Hi folks. The Chamberlin Man here. I would like to share some handy info with you from the National Safety Council: Steer clear of driving while distracted. It’s so simple. You’ve...
While President Trump continues to argue the economy can be reinvigorated through substantial tax cuts and protectionist policies, evidence continues to mount that the actual...
The third annual Pasadena Independent School District Career and Technical Education Business Partner Breakfast was held last month at the Dr. Kirk Lewis Career and Technical High...
Standing at the window of an office in the Texas Medical Center (TMC), I was struck by two things. First, how big and diverse the TMC is. Ten years ago there were 42 institutions...
Hello and welcome to all of you that are working hard in the workforce and the construction trades. I had a very interesting discussion with one of my students this week. His...