A Sustainable Workforce Starts With You

Renewing the Workforce

Construction is a large and complex worldwide industry constantly shaped by new information technologies, advanced materials, environmental policies, regulations and changing building methods. Most importantly, though, construction is shaped by people. Sustaining a strong industry requires attracting and valuing a skilled, career-driven, high quality workforce... who also like to build! How is the construction industry attracting the skilled workforce for future growth market demands? Do prospective candidates see construction as a viable career choice?

Fifty veterans connected with local employers to discuss possible career opportunities at the Warrior for Life Luncheon in the Greater Houston Partnership’s Partnership Tower.
Americans are ready to rebuild our neglected infrastructure – schools, highways, bridges, dams, and public transit. But we also can’t neglect the big challenge ahead of us:...
C3’s strategy is simple. The commercial construction industry needs to look at and follow the lead of other successful industries. We must treat our craft workers as valued assets...
Read an interesting compilation of the highest dollar amounts recovered from workers’ compensation fraud cases in the U.S. during 2017 - $697.4 Million of employer fraud from...
The aftermath of Hurricane Harvey and the struggle of Southeast Texas to recover from the monster storm is front and center in the newest edition of The Rational Middle...
In today’s global economy, building owners and employers are looking for ways to compete for talent, reduce operating costs and benefit the environment. While LEED certification...
Chamberlin Roofing and Waterproofing’s winter newsletter includes stories about a two-year balcony restoration project at a senior living community, a technical look at lock-strip...
Commercial construction companies are not yet threatened by Artificial Intelligence (AI), but they will be within the next decade. Recently, there are several studies and...
Construction executives from around the Houston area gathered this week to learn more about how they can create “a robust craft training program in your organization and link it...