A Sustainable Workforce Starts With You

Renewing the Workforce

Construction is a large and complex worldwide industry constantly shaped by new information technologies, advanced materials, environmental policies, regulations and changing building methods. Most importantly, though, construction is shaped by people. Sustaining a strong industry requires attracting and valuing a skilled, career-driven, high quality workforce... who also like to build! How is the construction industry attracting the skilled workforce for future growth market demands? Do prospective candidates see construction as a viable career choice?

The holiday season is upon us, and many workers are looking forward to receiving a Christmas bonus.  Depending on the nature of the bonus, it may or may not have an effect on...
In what will hopefully be the first in a series of events like it across Texas, business leaders and educators from the Houston area gathered to talk about the best ways they can...
Editor’s note:  Access, Control and Technology are all important components of a secure construction site.  In part two of this series last week, Jim Kollaer explained...
For some, the holidays are all about food, football, family reunions and reflecting on the gifts for which we are most thankful.  As I prepare to celebrate in the days to...
Editor’s note:  In part one of this series last week, Jim Kollaer’s article ACT Now on Jobsite Security began as he explained the many areas of jobsite security which must be...
It could take a half a year before the investigation is complete into exactly what went wrong leading up to a worker’s death on December 3 during renovations at Kyle Field at...
Now that the City of Houston is moving forward with a policy to crack down on employers that steal the wages of workers, the pressure will be on to make it work.  It'll be no...
This article was originally published in the November/December issue of Construction Savvy.  Reprinted with permission.My first construction boss told me everything he...
Our readers know all too well that the problem of payroll fraud, or worker misclassification, has become a cancer for the construction industry and that quite a few states have...