Specified Technologies Inc. (STI) Firestop, a leader in firestop and smoke-barrier products, has released its newest TTG Ultra-Sealing Foam.
TTG stands for Track Top Gasket. According to STI Firestop, TTG is an innovative construction foam material that eliminates the need for firestop sealants or sprays by allowing contractors to firestop during wall construction. STI Firestop's original TTG product, released more than a decade ago, is known for working with any ceiling track, is tested and viable for standard and shaft wall construction, and allows for full compression and extension. In addition, the original TTG is tested for use in head-of-wall, wall-to-wall, and bottom-of-wall joints, and is easily cut to any length using only scissors or a sharp knife.
TTG is a firestop material that can be installed in a short period of time and generates zero waste.
The new TTG with Ultra-Sealing Foam encompasses the addition of a sealing base which enables TTG to conform to rough surfaces such as concrete and compresses for a tight seal against sound flanking. Additionally, the sealing foam is fabricated to minimize and reduce moisture absorption.
“We are excited to announce the new TTG, otherwise known as Track Top Gasket. The new version of TTG includes a sealing foam base that improves installations on uneven surfaces… and improves both the rate of application and ease of inspection…,” said Stephen Bennett, Product Manager at STI.
To learn about the various STI Firestop products United Tool and Fastener carries, please contact a local UT&F showroom in Houston at 713-692-2323; in San Antonio at 210-495-8665; or College Station at 979-731-8665. Watch a video (below) about the new product.