It has been forever since I sat down to write you guys a quick update on all things C3, or at least it feels like it's been forever. Things seem to be moving fast in the last two years. Maybe that is because I'm getting older, or maybe that is because C3 is getting more mature, or perhaps it is a function of new programs and new results driving us so fast. I joined the Construction Career Collaborative in 2017 and aimed to launch and successfully implement craft training endorsement. We have accomplished that and now have over 200 endorsed companies. While that feels incredibly good, we continue to see that the workforce is a place where most contractors struggle. As we enter 2024, we sincerely hope to continue to provide programs that allow contractors to be better employers, recruit higher-caliber talent, and compete with other industries relative to employee engagement and retention.
At the same time, we are encouraging new owners to designate projects as C3 and build a demand for higher-quality contractors. We believe owners are pivotal to solving workforce issues and that the tide will rise as they require more from contractors. And we know that a rising tide will eventually raise all the ships. With that in mind, 2024 will see a renewed emphasis on metrics to prove that C3 is changing the caliber of contractors and positively impacting our delivery of projects together. The metrics committee spent most of 2023 creating a more robust compliance interview that will roll out with all new projects launching in 2024. The scorecard includes the owner in the compliance process with C3, the GC, and trade partners, allowing us to set and track benchmarks for the project collaboratively. More information on the scorecard will be sent out at the official launch in February.
As we do periodically, C3 has worked to convene a few small focus groups representing our main participant groups of subcontractors and general contractors. From both groups, we heard a lot of conversation about changing our story to be more focused on the value that C3 brings to the industry, owner, and most importantly, the contractor, and continue to remind each of us that we play a part in the solution of the workforce shortage. As we have grown significantly over the last five years, we realize that getting the word out is critical, and so we are bringing back our town halls. The town halls will showcase trends, best practices, lessons learned, and forward-looking workforce development strategies. The Board of Directors and I believe our message and mission must be broadly shared. Save the dates for a series of conversations on the workforce.