A Sustainable Workforce Starts With You

Reshaping the Construction Industry

It’s been another remarkable year for the construction industry and for the team here at Construction Citizen, another year of covering the trends and issues that matter most to...
Scott Braddock's picture
December 27, 2018
Job growth, high backlog and healthy infrastructure investment all spell good news for the industry. However, historically low unemployment has created a construction workforce shortage of an estimated 500,000 positions, which is leading to increased compensation costs.
Construction Citizen's picture
December 26, 2018
Editor’s note: Construction Citizen is proud to partner with AGC America to bring you AGC Chief Economist Ken Simonson's Data DIGest. Check back each week to get Ken's...
Ken Simonson's picture
December 24, 2018
As we take time to reflect this season, it’s easy to think of reasons to thank a craftsperson..With all the areas of construction that impact our daily lives, finding reasons to show gratitude to a craft professional isn’t hard. Our world depends on these highly skilled individuals.
Rachel Burris's picture
December 21, 2018
The Construction Citizen team wishes everyone a very Safe and Merry Christmas!
Jim Kollaer's picture
December 20, 2018
Kiley writes that the construction industry is predictied to change more in the next five years than it has in the past 50. Driving these changes are the skilled labor shortage and the march of job-site-related technologies.
Pat Kiley's picture
December 19, 2018
A new report from the Washington State Auditor's Office shows that "good jobs in the skilled trades are going begging because students are being almost universally steered to bachelor's degrees."
Scott Braddock's picture
December 18, 2018
Editor’s note: Construction Citizen is proud to partner with AGC America to bring you AGC Chief Economist Ken Simonson's Data DIGest. Check back each week to get Ken's...
Ken Simonson's picture
December 17, 2018
Bid rigging is a treacherous game played by owners, contractors and subs in every market in the US. It becomes a really big deal when it is uncovered in a highly competitive (cutthroat) market like New York City, and it can take a variety of forms as illustrated in indictments in a recent case in the city.
Jim Kollaer's picture
December 14, 2018
Over the past few years, we’ve made it a priority at this time of year to give credit to the members of construction groups around the state chipping in to give back to their...
Scott Braddock's picture
December 13, 2018