A Sustainable Workforce Starts With You

Your Brain is Your Best PPE

Authored by Ed Davidson and originally posted on LinkedIn:

There ya have it folks...

We all know what it's like getting some of these hard-headed hands to wear their PPE.

Having a hard head is one thing. Wearing a hardhat to protect that hard-head is something altogether different.

Injuries to the head due to falling objects or bump hazards are often serious and have been known to be fatal. Wearing hard hats not only protects the top of your head, it can also protect your eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.

Too often employees perceive the hard hat as just “something else they make me wear” and fail to recognize the full importance of this critical piece of personal protective equipment.

Don't forget, as an employer, by requiring the use of hard hats you must now train your employees how to wear, maintain, and inspect them. If the shell is cracked, deformed, or perforated, it must be taken out of service. Other signs of damage include a dull surface or flaking and or chalking of the shell. Hard hats must be inspected daily and replaced if damaged or expired. Yes, they do expire. Check the manufacturer’s specifications for determining the expiration date of your hard hat(s).

Employees must also keep their hard hats clean. Only use soap and water for proper cleaning. Never allow the use of chemical cleaners or solvents, they may weaken the shell and reduce the protective factor.

Your brain is the best PPE you have so be sure to protect it and use it!