2013 Looks Promising for Contractors [1]
We're not completely out of the woods, but a survey of Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) [8] members shows they're confident that 2013 will be a better year than 2012.
Tricia Lynn Silva reports in the San Antonio Business Journal [9] that builders in Texas expect to see business pick up in some key areas: “hospitals, higher-education, retail, warehouse, lodging and private-office construction”. Contractors think things will stay about the same for work like highway projects and manufacturing.
The survey, conducted by the AGC of America and Computer Guidance Corporation, is called “Tentative Signs of a Recovery: The 2013 Construction Hiring and Business Outlook [10]”. The AGC website breaks down the results of the survey by states [11], including the numbers for Texas [12].
The San Antonio Business Journal article quotes AGC of America CEO Stephen Sandherr as saying the industry is headed in the right direction, but with several caveats:
“While the outlook for the construction industry appears to be headed in the right direction for 2013, many firms are still grappling with significant economic headwinds. With luck and a lot of work, the hard-hit construction industry should be larger, healthier ... and more profitable by the end of 2013 than it is today.”