A Sustainable Workforce Starts With You

Government Actions

When the private sector does not address a major issue, the public sector will often step into the vacuum and do it. The construction industry has been slow to embrace the principles of social responsibility and sustainable value, focusing instead on whatever it takes to be lowest bidder. As a consequence of this, government is adopting policies that reshape the rules for the industry.

Associated Builders and Contractors released its 2020 Merit Shop Scorecard, an annual ranking based on state policies and programs that encourage workforce development,...
The following article was authored by Charles Frantes and originally published on TexasGOPVote:Stan Marek, CEO of the Houston-based MAREK and long-time sensible...
The following article was authored by Norman Adams, Co-Founder of Texans For Sensible Immigration Policy:The American dream is alive and well in the Houston construction industry...
Center for Houston’s Future hosted a conversation with Loren Steffy about his new book with Stan Marek, Deconstructed: An Insider’s View of Illegal Immigration and the Building...
On a Monday morning in 2009, the phone chirped on Stan Marek’s desk, and he snapped up the receiver. On the other end, the front-desk receptionist sounded nervous.
The following article was authored by Charles Frantes and originally published on TexasGOPVote:On a recent Rational Middle podcast, Executive Producer Loren Steffy spoke with...
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raided seven poultry plants in August 2019 and detained over 680 people on suspicion that they were illegal immigrant workers. ICE...
The following article was authored by Charles Frantes: In the latest Rational Middle of Immigration podcast, Tony Payan & Pamela Lizette Cruz of the James A. Baker,...
As states begin to ease lockdown restrictions, many businesses are looking for ways to reopen while maintaining social distancing guidelines and protecting their employees.To help...