A Sustainable Workforce Starts With You

Government Actions

When the private sector does not address a major issue, the public sector will often step into the vacuum and do it. The construction industry has been slow to embrace the principles of social responsibility and sustainable value, focusing instead on whatever it takes to be lowest bidder. As a consequence of this, government is adopting policies that reshape the rules for the industry.

When California passed its famed gig worker bill in 2019, businesses all over the nation took notice. This landmark bill required many businesses to convert contracted workers...
The 2021 Texas winter freeze and power crisis left hundreds of thousands of Texans with burst or leaking pipes, interior damage, and no running water in their homes and businesses.
American Subcontractors Association (ASA) Houston Chapter is an outstanding organization that fosters educational events, training programs, and networking opportunities for...
It is unacceptable that Texas’ power grid could not handle last week’s winter storm. Now, as a result of last week’s power outages and freezing temperatures, Texans are...
The following article was authored by Charles Frantes and originally published on TexasGOPVote. During a recent Rational Middle Podcast, Steven Scarborough, Strategic Initiatives...
The following article is from the Associated Builders and Contractors Newsline:On Feb. 4, Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.), Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), Rep. Bobby...
Authored by the Steven Scarborough and originally published by the Center For Houston's Future on February 3, 2021. Economic forecast shows the Houston region will need...
Fresh from his swearing in on Inauguration Day, President Joe Biden went to the White House and issued a long-overdue proposal for reforming the broken U.S. immigration system....
The following article was authored by Charles Frantes and originally published on TexasGOPVote.com.Business leaders and immigration experts explained the needs for and benefits of...