A Sustainable Workforce Starts With You

AGC posted the fifth edition of the Construction Inflation Alert today, a document to help owners, officials, and others understand what contractors are experiencing...
Ken Simonson's picture
September 27, 2021
August employment lags February 2020 in 39 states; year-to-date nonresidential starts trail 2020
Ken Simonson's picture
September 20, 2021
Materials costs outrun bid prices for the year despite drop in August; job openings set record for July.
Ken Simonson's picture
September 13, 2021
Contractors struggle to find workers despite a 5-month fall in employment, Autodesk-AGC survey finds.
Ken Simonson's picture
September 07, 2021
Construction employment, not seasonally adjusted, increased from July 2020 to July 2021 in 268 (75%) of the 358 metro areas (including divisions of larger metros) for which the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) posts construction employment data, decreased in 54 (15%) and was unchanged in 36, according to an analysis AGC released.
Ken Simonson's picture
September 01, 2021
Seasonally adjusted construction employment in July trailed the February 2020 level in 36 states, exceeded it in 14 states, and was unchanged in the District of Columbia,...
Ken Simonson's picture
August 23, 2021
Input PPIs soar in year ending in July; steel prices, lead times rise again, while lumber plunges.
Ken Simonson's picture
August 16, 2021
 While the economy has continued its forward progress through the summer, the Dodge Momentum Index has regressed somewhat as higher material prices and shortages of skilled labor continue to exert a strong influence over the construction sector.
Ken Simonson's picture
August 09, 2021
Steel remains problematic. Steel Market Update reported on Tuesday that hot-rolled coil averaged $1860, more than four times the August 2020 low point of $440. Contractors report mills are quoting 11-12 month lead times for bar joists.
Ken Simonson's picture
August 03, 2021
Total construction starts (in dollars) slumped 7% from May to June at a seasonally adjusted annual rate, but unadjusted starts soared 13% year-to-date, Dodge Data & Analytics reported on July 20. “All three major sectors (residential, nonresidential building, and nonbuilding) pulled back during the month…
Ken Simonson's picture
July 28, 2021