United Tool and Fastener (UTF) is supporting Construction Career Collaborative (C3) and its partner, the Houston Chapter of National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC), at the upcoming all-female construction career camp (WE Can) in October.
Approximately 1,000 girls in middle and high school will have the opportunity to participate in an “interactive exploration of careers in construction and those companies that support the industry with equipment, safety, and tools,” according to Angela Robbins, Associate Director of C3.
Aldine Independent School District will host the girls on Thursday, Oct. 17, 2019 at the M.O. Campbell Center. The camp will enable the young women to interact with demonstrations and demonstrators and hands-on displays in addition to presentations and question-and-answer time from civil, commercial and industrial contractors.
Each participant will be given a hard hat, safety vest, gloves, and the opportunity to realize that “WE Can” build and all that entails. The presentations will also illustrate and explain the ‘hybrid’ careers in construction that enable workers to spend part of their work time “in the field” and part of their work time in an office.
“We learned a lot about the way students understand construction at the spring event. We realized that they need to have some more exposure to the types of activities that they might see daily with construction careers, and that translated to a more hands-on event,” Robbins explained.
“We felt that being able to ‘do’ would be more effective than telling.”
State endorsement legislation requires students to declare what field they want to be career-ready for at graduation (from high school) in the middle of 8th grade, which led C3 to open the events to younger ages.
“For high school, we intend to use the fall event to expose seniors and juniors to the industry and then return in the spring to gather resumes and offer jobs.”
Registration for students and underwriters, sponsorships, demonstration booths, and volunteers is open on the C3 website or those interested can contact angela@constuctioncareercollaborative.org for more information.