In the construction world, Silica safety has become a top priority, albeit if partly only because of OSHA’s implementation of its Silica safety standards, which went into effect in September 2017.
Prior to those standards being put into effect, workers may not have realized how common, and dangerous, the mineral Silica is. Crystalline Silica is a common mineral found in everyday materials such as sand, stone, rock, concrete, brick, block, and mortar.
United Tool and Fastener carries Sundstrom Silica safety respirators and kits. These unique kits offer workers in the Construction, Maritime, and Hydraulic Fracking industries the necessary health protection.
Crystalline Silica can cause:
• Silicosis
• Lung cancer
• Kidney disease
• Other respiratory diseases
According to OSHA, employers must measure the amount of Silica that workers are exposed to if it may be at or above an action level of 25 μg/m3 and must protect workers where Silica levels exceed 50 μg/m3. If Silica levels exceed that 50 μg/m3 level, employers are required to provide respirators, dust control, and limit exposure time. Additionally, employers must establish and implement a written exposure control plan and offer medical exams to workers.
- Additional information and requirements can be found at
Sundstrom Silica respirator kits and masks:
• SR 200 Silicone Full Face Mask Kit
H10-0018 One Size Fits Most
• SR 100 Silicone Half Mask Kit
• SR 900 TPE Half Mask Kit
H05-9021S Small
H05-9021M Medium
H05-9021L Large
• SR 500 PAPR Kit Options
H05-0721SR 500 / SR 540
H06-0921SR 500 / SR 530
H06-8421SR 500 / SR 580 / SR 584
To buy or learn more about the Silica safety masks or products UTF carries, including the various Sundstrom respiratory masks and kits, please contact a showroom in Houston at 713-692-2323; in San Antonio at 210-495-8665; or in College Station at 979-731-8665.