You might know him from the Discovery channel program, Dirty Jobs or more recently as the spokesman for Ford on the Super Bowl ads, but did you know that Mike Rowe has a construction industry website meant to entertain and inform? It is a creative way to see more of what the industry has to offer including 112 job profiles, videos of skilled tradesmen talking about their work, job listings and much more. For example, in his introduction to the “Work Is Not The Enemy” section, he talks about the image of skilled labor and how the attitude toward those who make things in their jobs has changed. If you have the time, Mike’s Mission Video (9 minutes, 44 seconds) is really worth a listen as he explains how important it is for our country’s future that we gain awareness of the value of labor and improve the image of the skilled trades.
Take a look at Mike’s jobsite. The good thing is that you don’t need a hard hat and your steel toed boots to stop by for a visit.
Mike Rowe Construction Job Site
by Jim Kollaer | February 13, 2011
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