A Sustainable Workforce Starts With You

Skilled Trades Shortage In The Future

We found more information on the manpower shortages from around the world, not only in the construction trades, but in other jobs as well.  This time Silicon India reported on a recently released Manpower, Inc. survey.  About the survey, entitled Strategic Migration - a Short-Term Solution to the Skilled Trades Shortage, Silicon India wrote,

“Unless businesses, governments and trade associations work together to develop long-term strategies to alleviate talent shortages among skilled trades, future economic growth will suffer. Worldwide, skilled trades positions are the hardest to fill, reveals Manpower's recent global Talent Shortage Survey of 35,000 employers across 36 countries and territories.”

As we have been discussing in some of our posts, the report restates that the need for mid-level craftspeople in the construction industry will reach a critical stage during the next up cycle in the economy.  It calls for the strategic migration of workers as one solution to the global problem.


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